Dlxn SolarPanel solar power supply inverter Photovoltaic systems

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Your leading supplier of Baoding Dongliang New Energy Technology Co., Ltd

Baoding Dongliang New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise focusing on the integrated application of photovoltaic products, committed to the design, research and development, production and sales of photovoltaic panels, solar power generation systems and other products.

Why Choose Us?


We provide our customers with high-quality products, and we have applied for IEC, CE, ISO and other related certifications for our products.


State-of-the-art equipment
We have 1 SMT production line, 2 photovoltaic production lines, 1 lithium battery pack line and other modern production lines.


With 11 years of experience, we can develop, produce and sell any new energy-related products, modules, inverters, controllers, batteries, brackets, cables and other complete solutions according to your needs;


The company has enough practice in the application of photovoltaic-related products, including grid-connected photovoltaic power generation, off-grid photovoltaic power generation, BIPV projects, wind-solar complementary projects, and application-oriented power supply systems (monitoring power supply, sensor power supply, solar street lights, etc.);

What is Solar Power System?

A solar power system is a system that converts sunlight into electricity. It consists of multiple components, including solar panels, a solar inverter, and sometimes a battery storage system and a solar charge controller. The system is designed to absorb sunlight and convert it into a form of energy that can be used for electricity.

Benefits of Solar Power System

Renewable energy source – Among the several benefits of solar panels, the most important thing is that solar energy is truly a renewable resource. It can be utilized in all areas of the world and is available every day. We can never run out of solar energy unlike some of the other sources that are being used excessively. Solar energy is readily accessible and available to us for as long as we have the sun which according to scientists is going to stay for at least next 5 billion years. The cost of solar panels has also fallen by 75% that should encourage everyone to go for solar.

Provides energy security – Another top benefit of installing solar panels is that no one can go and buy or turn sunlight into a monopoly. Combined with the ease of solar panels, this also provides a notable solar power advantage of energy security. This is why governments are investing huge amount of money into the development and installation of solar power systems.

Decrease the carbon footprint – Solar power decreases your carbon footprint as well. Carbon dioxide has been known to cause global warming that is causing havoc on our Earth further causing glaciers to melt, animals to be endangered and shorelines to erode. For example, solar power can help conserve more than 16000 gallons of water per year and also decrease dependence on non-renewable sources of energy. Reducing the mileage from 15,000 to 10,000 can save more than a ton of CO2 which is around 15% of the average person’s footprint.

Technology development – The technology in the solar power industry is continuously advancing and improvements are sure to intensify in the future. Innovations in nanotechnology and quantum physics can increase the effectiveness of solar panels or increase multi-folds the electrical output.

Low maintenance costs – Solar power systems don’t require a lot of maintenance. All you need to do is keep them relatively clean. The reliable solar power companies give 20-25 years of warranty. There is no wear and tear and the inverter is the only part that needs to be changed after 5-10 years. Basically, there is very little spending on maintenance and repair work.

Diverse uses – Solar energy can be used for diverse purposes such as to generate electricity or heat. It can also be used to produce electricity in areas without access to energy grid, to distill water in regions with limited water supplies, power satellites in space, in residential properties and recreational homes. These are some of the most popular diverse uses of solar power.

Reduce electricity bills and increase savings– As some of the energy needs will be met by the solar power system, the energy bills are sure to drop. It also depends on the size of the solar panel system and electricity usage. Not only you will save on the bill, but also generate more electricity than you can use, the surplus of which will be exported back to the grid provided it is connected.

Types of Solar Power System

On grid solar power system

These are the type of system which is having high usage in home, commercial and industrial purpose. Here the solar Power systems that only generate power when the utility power grid is available. They must connect to the network to function and can send excess of power generated back to the network when you are overproducing hence crediting for further usage.

Off-grid solar power system

An off-grid system does not connect to the electricity grid and hence requires battery storage. An off-grid solar system is a design which will generate enough power throughout the year and have enough battery capacity to meet the residential, industrial and commercial requirements, even in the depths of winter when there is dim sunlight.

Hybrid solar power system

Hybrid solar systems are known to generate power similarly as of the conventional grid-tie solar system, but it uses the unique hybrid inverters and batteries to store energy for the later usage. Their ability to saving energy has enabled it to act as a backup power supply similar to the UPS system. Hybrid systems combine solar power from a photovoltaic system with power generating energy source. Hybrid solar systems are the best way to use when the cost of electricity is high.

Application of Solar Power System

Residential and commercial utilization

Solar PV Modules find extensive applications in both residential and commercial settings, serving as power sources for homes, businesses, and industrial facilities. Their cost-effective nature makes them a viable solution for reducing energy expenses while promoting the adoption of clean energy.

Off-grid locations

Solar PV Modules prove advantageous in remote areas devoid of access to the electricity grid. They are well-suited for powering essential services such as communication systems, lighting, and other critical infrastructure in off-grid locations.

Agricultural implementations

Solar PV Modules play a significant role in agriculture by offering a clean and renewable energy source for various operations. These modules power irrigation systems, water pumping, and other essential farming activities

Power stations

Solar PV Modules are integral components of large-scale power stations, contributing to electricity generation for the grid. They play a crucial role in utility-scale solar power projects, delivering clean and renewable energy to communities at a larger scale.

Components of Solar Power System

Photovoltaic cells: They are able to capture direct sunlight as “photons”. They also comprise sandwiched layers of semi-conductor particles, like phosphorous and boron. When a sunlight particle hits such a photovoltaic cell through a photon, it automatically triggers the “electrons” contained within the semiconductor layers. This friction between the photons and electrons of a photovoltaic cell, produces electric energy, measured in “watts” of power. The higher is the energy produced by a solar power system, the wattage accordingly increases.

Solar panels: A cohesive cluster of photovoltaic cells form a solar panel. The size of the panel is determined by the number of photovoltaic cells in contains. This, in turn, determines the total power generated by the solar panel. A solar panel typically produces 250 to 400 watts of power.

Inverter: The electric energy produced by a solar power system is in the form of direct current (DC), more suitable to portable power banks and UPS. However, common electrical appliances like lighting and heating equipment, kitchen, and electronic equipment, etc. run on alternating current (AC). An inverter converts the DC produced by a solar power system into usable AC.

Battery: A solar power system can only generate solar energy with the availability of direct sunlight. This is great for powering appliances during the day. But what happens when you want to use solar energy at night, perhaps to power a light or a fan in your home? In fact, conventional electricity is more likely to be expensive during the night, as utility companies charge top dollar for these “peak” hours. This is where a battery comes in, to store the harnessed solar power for later use (typically during the night).

Racking and mounting systems for solar panels: When you see a solar panel—either installed on the roof of a building, or directly on the ground—you will notice it stays in place, despite the wind. This is due to racking and mounting systems that are used to “install” a solar panel on a property. There are also various types of racking and mounting systems to support different forms of solar panel installation (like roof versus ground, etc.).

Solar accessories: This can vary, depending on the type of the solar power system.

A: Solar charge controller: Once a solar battery is fully charged, based on the voltage it supports, there needs to be a mechanism that stops solar panels from sending more energy to the battery. This comes in the form of a solar charge controller, and is also responsible for protecting the battery from getting “drained” when it is not used. (This can happen in the absence of a solar charge controller, if the electric current reverses direction and flows back to the solar panel.)

B: Solar cables: As the name indicates, these are wires to interconnect the various components of a solar power system. They are designed to withstand the high temperatures that run through photovoltaic cells. They are also UV-resistant as they are mostly installed outside buildings (on the roof, or directly on the ground).

C: Solar meters: Elaborately designed solar meters are also available in order to measure, monitor, regulate and optimize the energy produced by a solar power system.

How to Maintain Solar Power System

Clean your panels
Hosing off your panels or washing them with a sponge will keep their efficiency up. Don’t use abrasive chemicals or materials that can lead to scratches–a soft cloth, hose, or simple dish soap is enough.

Look after the battery
We’re going to assume you’ve got lithium-ion batteries, because they’re simply the best option. One of the reasons why they’re the best is because they don’t really require maintenance, just a periodic cleaning: disconnect the terminals and wipe the battery down with a damp cloth before drying and reconnecting. If you go with something like a lead acid battery you’ve got to muck about with cleaning the terminals and checking fluid levels and such, and who wants to do that?

Just go with lithium-ion and make one less thing to worry about.

Charge controller
While you’re cleaning your batteries check the connections on the charge controller. Pretty much the only thing that might go wrong is if they somehow loosen and don’t connect properly.

Keep your inverter in good shape
Avoid placing heat-sensitive or flammable materials near your inverter. If the inverter has a cooling fan, ensure that it functions properly and the airflow is not obstructed.

You’ll need to clean it at least once a year to prevent dust and dirt buildup, which may affect the efficiency of the system. You can also avoid overloading the inverter with high electrical devices and appliances by using energy-saving electrical appliances. Using LED bulbs instead of ordinary bulbs and energy-efficient air conditioners or refrigerators can guarantee a long backup power time and prolong the service life of your inverter system.

Brief History of Solar Power Systems

The concept of utilizing the sun’s energy isn’t new – ancient civilizations used passive solar designs in their dwellings for heating. The modern era of solar power, however, began in 1839 when French physicist Alexandre Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect, which explains how electricity can be generated from sunlight. However, it wasn’t until 1954 that scientists at Bell Labs developed the first photovoltaic cell capable of converting enough sunlight into electricity to run everyday electrical equipment. Since then, solar power technology has evolved significantly, leading to more efficient and affordable solar power systems.

Polycrystalline Solar Panel Working Principle

These solar panels are made of multiple photovoltaic cells. Each cell contains silicon crystals which makes it function as a semiconductor device. When the photons from the sunlight fall on the PN junction (junction between N-type and P-type materials), it imparts energy to the electrons so that they can flow as electric current. Here, P-type materials are deficient in electrons while N-type materials have an abundance of electrons. Two electrodes are connected to the PV cells. The electrode that is on the top surface contains small wires while the electrode on the bottom is a foil-like conductor.

Solar Photovoltaic Systems: What's the Difference Between an Industrial and a Residential One?

Size: A residential panel is typically smaller, and will generate less power because it serves fewer people. An average panel for the home will have 72 cells. while a commercial panel will be wider, and have 96 cells. The price of a panel is calculated by the amount of power it produces, and not its size. So a 10 kWH system for a home will cost the same as one of the same power for a business.

Efficiency: Since industrial panels are larger than their residential counterparts, they are more efficient at producing energy. Industrial solar panels have an efficiency of 20%, making them about 2% more efficient than residential panels.

Installation: Industrial solar panels usually take longer to install because of their greater complexity – from a week until up to a month. Installation of residential solar panels generally takes one or two days.

Color: Solar panels now come in many colors, but they are less efficient than the standard blue and black colors. In general, industria lsolar panel systems are black with a white backing, and residential customers chose black panels on a black backing.

Our Factory

At present, the company has more than 200 employees, including 20 R & D technicians, and has more than 10,000 production workshops, 1 SMT production line, 3 photovoltaic production lines, 2 lithium battery pack line and other modern production lines. The annual production capacity of photovoltaic modules reaches 15 megawatts. 

Our Certificate


Q: What is the solar power system?

A: Solar power works by converting energy from the sun into power. There are two forms of energy generated from the sun for our use – electricity and heat. Both are generated through the use of solar panels, which range in size from residential rooftops to ‘solar farms’ stretching over acres of rural land.

A: Solar power is energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. Solar energy is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available, and the U.S. has some of the richest solar resources in the world.

A: How many solar panels are needed to power a house? The average U.S. household needs between 15 and 20 solar panels on its roof to generate enough electricity, or around a 9 kW system. That being said, the number of panels needed depends on the amount of power a household uses.

A: The five main uses of solar energy are solar electricity, solar water heating, solar heating, solar ventilation and solar lighting. There are more uses for solar energy, but home solar installation and businesses typically use solar energy for these purposes.

A: There are 5 key components in a home’s solar system: solar panels, an inverter, an electrical panel, the electric meter, and the sun.

A: For most DC-coupled off-grid systems it really comes down to four main components – solar panels, charger controller, inverter and the battery bank. There is a lot more that can go into a solar system setup, but those are the four main pieces that will be discussed in this article.

A: Grid-tied or on-grid solar power plants are made up of an SPV array, a module mounting structure, a Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) that includes a Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT), an inverter, controls and protections, interconnect cables, and switches. The PV array is installed on a suitable framework.

A: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panels
These are usually the most expensive part of a solar system and they simply absorb sunlight and spit out electricity.

A: Most hail tends to be on the smaller side, and higher quality solar panels can stand up to most hailstorms. But a large enough hailstone will damage even the strongest panels. Hail damage can range from small dents and dings to shattered glass and broken solar cells.

A: How does a photovoltaic system produce electricity? A photovoltaic (PV) panel, commonly called a solar panel, contains PV cells that absorb the sun’s light and convert solar energy into electricity. These cells, made of a semiconductor that transmits energy (such as silicon), are strung together to create a module.

A: Between 4-6 hours
A typical install will take between 4-6 hours, depending on system size. You only need to be there if access needs to be granted to install equipment in the garage, for example. Depending on the solar energy system’s size, most home solar panels can be installed in a single day.

A: 25 To 30 years
The industry standard for most solar panels’ lifespans is 25 to 30 years. Most reputable manufacturers offer production warranties for 25 years or more. The average break even point for solar panel energy savings occurs six to 10 years after installation.

A: You do this by taking the wires from the battery (or the inverter) and connecting the wires to each circuit breaker. As you connect the wires to each circuit breaker, you’ll be connecting solar power to each electrical zone of your home.

A: Regular cleaning, visual inspections, and monitoring of electrical components are key aspects of proper maintenance. By investing time and effort in the upkeep of solar panels, owners can enjoy sustained energy production, lower electricity bills, and a reduced environmental impact.

A: Just as it’s important to maintain your heating and cooling systems in your home, your solar energy system requires regular maintenance — both to make sure you’re generating the optimum amount of electricity and to maximize your return on investment.

A: As mentioned above, your inverter will usually be installed near a sub board or main switch board. When the inverter is installed outside, they are not usually very visible form the roadside of properties. For homes, the inverter will most likely be in a garage, or along the side of the house near the meter box.

As one of the most professional poly solar panel manufacturers in China, we’re featured by quality products and good service. Please rest assured to buy customized poly solar panel made in China here from our factory.